Emilie Gallier

Folding my body

A choreographic piece and a mobile app to implicate spectators before the performance

The performance Folding my body follows a fractal composition. Incongruous folds trigger the imagination of what bodies could become. Succesively various bodies are folding. Two performers join forces in slowly folding a huge floating paper according to a mysterious sequence of numbers. They then begin a conversation in folds in their own bodies according to the very same numbers. The same score then applies on a smaller paper, actions speed up as the size gets smaller. In a very fast conversations the performers fight their numbers in the moves of their fingers. 3 seconds of silent mark the core of the performance. Performance folds their voices in the pendulum of their new suite of numbers, they then fold the one body they now form, and return to the larege body of paper that is now sculpted, and takes off.

A mobile application is to be designed as a tool to implicate spectators before the piece, familiarizing them with the articulations of the body to be folded, with the sequence of numbers, and principles of conversation applied in the piece.
In May 2015, a first research into the creation of this app' took place in the format of an interactive installation.The installation works like a mobile app, but an app from the past : stripped from the phone's technology. What remains is the joy of playing and sharing with one another. The installation aims to let its user choreograph a dance and give shape to a body that folds upon itself. By drawing some dots, and scanning them, each user can discover on the screen the moving body that they composed. The movements of folds play with the reality of the body’s structure: they reconfigure the body and open up to other ways of thinking the dance. The resulting sequences of movement were recorded and part of the performance.

Concept, choreography: Emilie Gallier
With: Astarti Athanasiadou, Mariangela Tinelli, LArs Kynde
Video projection: users of the installation (mobile app), Sanne Kloppenburg
Research, interactive installation: Eva van Bemmelen, Sanne Kloppenburg, Joëlle Erkamp
PØST Cie, KABK Royal Academy of Art. , LISFE, BplusC.

foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody foldingmybody

2015 April-May studio work, interactive installation and performance test within Leiden International Short Film Experience.