'Faces' is a collaboration with inhabitants of the central station’s district in Luxembourg
- Emile Larosche, Anabelle Marxen, Camille Thill, Kalonji Tshinza, Patrick Ullveling, Patrick Zikondolo.
They take us to places in their neighbourhood. We gather sensorial information in these places.
They show us their faces while telling us night dreams. A silent movie of facial expressions becomes the live score
for the two dancers who performs invisible images, aerial movements, and visceral ones.
In confluence, the dancers follow paralell paths on stage to show at once the multiple sides of one neigbourhood.
choreography: Emilie Gallier
dancers: Christelle Dronne, Jeanna Serikbaeyeva-Laroche
film: Matthieu Chevallier
music: Héloïselle, Meredith Monk, Nine Inch Nails
costums: Juliette Bogers
PØST Cie with the support of Pépinières Européènnes pour Jeunes artistes, map 2008-2009, TROIS C-L, Agence Luxembourgeoise
d’Action Culturelle, CCRN Abbaye de Neumünster, Le gouvernement du grand duché de Luxembourg Ministère de la Culture