Emilie Gallier

If choreography were a fish,
writing would be its dorsal fin


The lecture focusses on Writing (notation and scores) in tension with Choreography, aiming to identify the position and performance of Writing within participant’s choreographic practice.
Starting with an historical overview of systems of notation and definitions of scores since the XVIIth century, we study the nature of notation and scores. We then problematize their traditional subordinate role. From the metaphor of the dorsal fin - that is to the fish the vital body part that stabilizes it against rolling and allows sudden turns - we question in what way is Writing as crucial to Choreography as the dorsal fin is to the fish.
Reading together and discussing texts from Laurence Louppe, Mark Franko, Jonathan Burrows and Daniel Rovers, we deal with the issue of graphophobia (the fear that writing may inspire), study the movement of writing and the writing of movement (the theory of the ‘print’), glue Writing at the back of Choreography to give to Choreography its force of and on the movement of thinking.

ifchoreographywereafishlecture ifchoreographywereafishlecture ifchoreographywereafishlecture

September 2012 Master of Choreography of ArtEZ.