The dorsal chance
‘The dorsal chance’ crystallizes the instant of a threshold.
A body seen from behind is exposed: performer or spectator. On a frontier that is both front and back,
it passes through and experiences an inner elasticity. One stands on the place of departure, or perhaps of detour.
A shift of attention towards the out-of-sight awakes the sensation of the back and triggers the taste of the unforeseen.
In this fragile posture emerges the possibility of a turn.
choreography, concept: Emilie Gallier
performers: Ines Belda, Fabritia D'Intino, Amir Rappapport
light: Léa Canu-Ginoux
costums: Juliette Bogers
guidance: Thomas Körtvélyessy, Joao da Silva
PØST Cie with the support of ArtEZ Dansacademie
20 Nov. 2011 Scheltema Leiden
7,8 April 2011 ArtEZ Arnhem