In print
conducting an artistic research
What is an artistic research, and what is at stakes in conducting a research where practice and theory intertwine?
Emilie Gallier starts from her experience in undertaking a practice-led research to approach the following questions:
How to critically explore one’s interests in order to find a topic? How to narrow to a manageable scope through the
articulation of the research question? And how does the latter guide the research? What is specific in arts research methodologies?
Emilie exposes her use of a ‘ground’ that represents the core, which links the multiple layers of her practice.
How to identify sources? How to assemble resources and build an argument, choreographing the writing?
What knowledge can a practical enquiry reveal that cannot be revealed by other modes of investigations?
Providing students with one approach for conducting an artistic research, she demonstrates a model for navigating between different ways
of being (choreographer, critical thinker, writer) and for investigating a problem through multiple lenses.